Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A for Apple... and something more..


Ever wondered what a Single bite on an apple signifies on the trade mark? It is an interesting story. Story of the genius who invented the basic computer and his tragic end at the hands of British Government whom he served during after the Great War.

As I started writing this piece, news came on the twitter that the British Government has apologised to Alan Turing for all the wrong done to him posthumously and that too after a gap of about 5o years.

So who was this great personality?

Alan Turing was a great British Mathematician who laid the groundwork for the Computer revolution. He was also the great visionary in the field of artificial intelligence. He proposed a simple machine having three basic units: an input tape, an output tape and a central processor which would perform a precise set of operations. From this developed the modern day computer

During world war II he helpled the British and the Allied Army in their fight against powerful Germany. The Allies were unable to decode secret German messages which were encrypted using a machine called ENIGMA. To break the code, Turing and his associates developed a machine called BOMBE through which the Allies could easily decipher German messages about their invasion plans leading ultimately to the defeat of the Nazis.

Instead of being hailed as war hero, who helped to turn the tide of world war II, Turing was hounded to death. One day his home was burglarized, and he called the Police. Unfortunately,the police found evidence of homosexuality and arrested him. Turing was then ordered by the British court to be injected with sex hormones, which had a disastrous effect, causing him to grow breasts and causing him great mental agony. He committed suicide in 1954 by eating an apple laced with cyanide.

It is rumoured that the logo of Apple Corporation pays homage to the great Alan Turing.

We might also recall the case of the great astronomer Galileo, to whom the Pope and the Catholic church apologized centuries later, acknowledging his theory that the Earth revolves around the Sun and not the other way round as the the Church would have us believe then.

This piece has an important relevance too.

Not too long ago the honourable Delhi High Court made a landmark judgement making homosexuality/lesbianism etc legitimate. While it has been generally welcomed by the enlightened public, there are still people crying hoarse demanding a review of the case and they have approached the Supreme Court.

The honourable Judges of the High Court relied on scientific evidence available currently for their pronouncement and not on social mores or religious tenets. This is refreshing and thus, The Government of India need not apologise may be after half a century later, like Mr.Gordon Brown of Gr.Britain or the Pope at Vatican.

PS :

The material for the above write up on the Apple Trademark was largely gathered from a very good book, PHYSICS OF THE IMPOSSIBLE by Prof.Michio Kaku, published by Penguin under Popular Science series. Great reading!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


About the Blogspot address.

It has been an arduous task to find a suitable name for the Blog. All the exciting, striking and meaningful titles had already been taken. Through all the frustration, one day, one of my friends, Mr.Vellody suggested, why I don’t select Soumini as the title. That happens to be my mothers name and it suited me fine. It was most likely to be available too. But then I had an inspiration. Why not go one or two generations backwards? And the story read: Soumini’s mother is Rugmini and Rugmini’s mother is Mrignayani. Well, there it ended. No further data available.

I feel that we all owe something to our great ancestors for our present. Be it for good or for bad, isn’t it nice to know our roots? And there are plenty of people spread far and wide on this planet who are progenies of this great lady and who knows, any one of them or their parents might have information about Mriganayani’s mother and her mother’s mother as well. I am sure some one would surely throw some light on our antiquity.

So the blog domain stands at MRIGNAYANI 2 JP . I had to add 2jp because as usual the name already been taken and secondly, I thought my great ancestor would now talk to the present generation through me. Or atleast keep the flame of her memory alight for generations to come.


About the Blog:

Due to reforms being practiced by successive governments,the quality of education has suffered irrepairable loss. Now students, that is the future citizens, are least bothered about their social obligations, thanks to the negligence shown to the study of Social Studies as a subject right from school days to UG level.

This blog intends to bring up topics that are relevant to modern times so that my readers who spend very little time for serious reading are exposed to ideas that inspire them to THINK.

Also, this blog would try to pass on random pieces of usable knowledge in philosophy, science, religion, literature etc, which I glean from my resources . This I think would prompt my readers to explore further into their respective areas of interest to further their knowledge.

I expect valuable feedbacks from my readers which would further help in disseminating knowledge.

Expectations are utopian. But no harm in trying, right?